A chance for kids – World Cup 2010

A joint venture with the children’s organisation terre des hommes. 600 km charity run in Germany and a three day run from Limpopo SA to the German Embassy in Pritoria South Africa. This project has helped Aids orphans and endangered children.

600 km charity run against children poverty in Berlin

Charity run 2009 – From the international Airport Münster Osnabrück via Osnabrück, Hannover our final destination was the futuristic international Airport Berlin Brandenburg. The founder of the Arche Bernd Siggelkow and Arche press speaker Wolfgang Buescher awaited us with open arms. Wonderful moments.

1000 km for disabled children and a sign of peace for the middle east

This run started in Osnabrück on the 27th of May 2008. 1000 km full of unforgettable moments of running for the children of Meshi Centre, Jerusalem. After stops in Gelsenkirchen, Cologne, Bonn, Strasbourg and Freiburg we arrived a few days before the start of the European Cup in Basel, Switzerland.